Generation6 Innovation Series

The Generation6 Innovation Series is a catalyst for deep thinking, engaging discussions, and cultivating innovation to give back to our field.

Reshaping Reality: Unlocking the Potential of the Single Family Office

Reshaping Reality: Unlocking the Potential of the Single Family Office

Reshaping Reality: Unlocking the Potential of the Single Family Office is an edited collection written by some of the most influential thought leaders in the field.

Based on an analysis of changing perceptions and realities around wealth, it explores common “design flaws” in the development of single family offices and the potential for greater relevancy, leadership development, learning, and more.

If you are a family leader or a single family office leader, an advisor working with family offices, or if you simply want to learn more about the do’s and don’ts around single family offices - get your copy now!

"If you have one rising generation family or affinity member who is voluntarily a client of your family office or one you represent –well done—then please read this book to know how to encourage more. If you have no such family member, you must read this book, and you might have one join.”

James E. Hughes, Jr., author of Family Wealth: Keeping it in the Family